Neues Mitteklasse-Handy von Nokia

March 2, 2006

Hinter der Klappe des 6125 versteckt sich jede Menge Multimedia: MP3-Player, Digicam und UKW-Radio sollen bei spaßbewussten Menschen Kaufgelüste wecken.

a word press post

January 19, 2006

a post in the word press blogger portal

wp a simple äöü test with special chars (%&)!

January 19, 2006

wp a simple äöü test with special chars (%&)!

wp xÿŒœŠšŸƒ–—‘’‚“”„†‡•…‰€™x

January 19, 2006

wp xÿŒœŠšŸƒ–—‘’‚“”„†‡•…‰€™x

wp xìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþx

January 19, 2006

wp xìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþx


January 19, 2006


wp x ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅx

January 19, 2006

wp x  ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅx

Top Ten Reasons AJAX is Here to Stay

January 6, 2006

It’s an understatement to say that AJAX is hot right now. There’s a lot of hype; no one can argue that. It went from a geek buzzword in February to being profiled on CNN in October. So, let’s look at why AJAX is here now, and why it’s going to continue to grow and will definitely still be around for a while. So, in late-night talk show style, I’ve put together a top 10 list.

A Full Ascii Test

January 4, 2006

a test for the firefox browser.

Hello world!

January 3, 2006

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!